The NetSetGO program consists of 3 tiers – “NET”, “SET” and “GO”.
NET (Ages 5-6*)
Net teaches fundamental motor skills through dance, music and games.
SET (Ages 7-8*)
SET focuses on refining fundamental motor skills and introducing modified netball matches.
GO (Ages 9-10* )
GO focuses on developing netball specific skills through modified netball matches.
*Age brackets are only a guideline only.
Whitehorse Netball only offers the NetSetGO “GO” portion of the program with participants needing to join a local netball club and be placed in a team to participate in this program (refer to Clubs page).
Monday GO Program
We currently have 17 teams playing playing GO each week. This program runs on a Monday night with games played on the indoor courts at 4.25pm and 5.15pm. Monday GO games consist of 4x 9 minute quarters and are played in sections, GO 1 and GO 2. Refer to the Fixtures page.
To locate a centre or club running NetSetGo ‘NET’ or “SET” please refer to https://netball.com.au/netsetgo