Carmel Wright
12 Dec 2023
Do you remember this Article?
So you come along every Saturday and watch your daughter / son play netball and sometimes you think what was that umpire call for. Or you hear someone say “Oh bad luck ….” Does this sound like you?
Well, why not think about becoming an umpire. You are never too old. Consider Kate and her daughter Grace.
Kate started her netball playing for Hilites when she was in primary school. I know I umpired her!!
She now has her own children, who are following in her footsteps and playing for Hilites. Kate turned her attention to coaching and has been coaching for Hilites for many years. Her daughter decided she wanted to start umpiring, so Grace has been a hat and now a trainee and loving her umpiring.
This was the beginning of 2022, now one season later Kate is umpiring in the mornings and occasionally with her daughter Grace. Kate helps out on Saturday mornings with our young teams and fills in on the odd Monday night.....
And so the story went!
Well, Kate was tested for her C Badge on our Thursday night competition, and successfully obtain this. Congratulations Kate.
But the story does not end yet.......
Kate’s son David is now umpiring and working towards his C Badge.
No doubt in 2024 we will see another Coghlan umpiring on the courts and hopefully David will be tested for his badge in the very near future.
We are always looking for new umpires. If you ever thought about , we trying your hand at umpiring, do it now. It does not matter how young or old you are. We are only too happy to guide you along the “white” path!!! Contact your club Umpire co-ordinator, or speak to the Whitehorse co-ordinator on a Saturday to get more information!!